A code of samurai, Japanese chivalry (1) 2015/05/19

It is commonly understood samurai worriers were born in around 10th century to protect nobles and or to defense their own territory. The word “samurai” is derived from “saburou” which means serving to others or seniorities.


It was Heian era when Imperial family and surrounding upper classes were turning into court nobles in the capital and getting away from general public in districts. On the other hand, samurai serving to nobles were gradually getting powers instead of court nobles.


In 1192, Minamoto Yoritomo opened Kamakura Shogunate and the reign of samurai began. Although the power was shifted from one Shogun family to other Shogun families, the reign of samurai last nearly 700 years until the end of Edo era.


“samurai”, in other word “bushi”, has always stayed as a ruling class and also a model for ordinary people, even after the class of bushi was demolished by Meiji reform.


It is believed samurai strictly kept a code of samurai which rigidly requests to contain self interest and serve to public interest by sacrificing themselves. That is the reason why people still admire samurai and try hard to follow the way of samurai living even today.

f3041c4c9a5ba2d981da1f44be8c7e689ab33afa. Gen-Pei war in 12th century