A cord of Samurai (6) 2015/06/28

「The chrysanthemum and the sword」 was written by Ruth Fulton Benedict about the patterns of Japanese culture and published in 1946. Ruth was a culture anthropologist and studied about Japanese culture by the request of U.S.A. government, although she had never been to Japan.

In the book she defined Japanese culture as “shame culture” against “guilt culture” in the western world. She wrote Japanese were forced to do right things or restrain themselves from bad deeds by the pressure of shame to outside.It is unfortunately far from the real understanding of Japanese culture or Samurai spirits.

Samurai hated “shame” and preferred to die than to be disgraced.However “shame” in Samurai spirits had nothing to do with outside but strictly with internal mind. They felt “shame” in light of their own minds. Therefore they pursued and accepted the truth. They never excused or explained about what really happened but they just accepted without any defense.


At the same, Samurai kept their words for their lives and fought for their causes and never betrayed their side even though there was little chance to win a battle and survive. It is eternal “shame” for Samurai to outlive by betraying their side under unfavorable circumstances.


Modern Japanese still admire and feel nostalgia in Samurai spirits because of their grace of definite non excuse.
