quick look on invaluable Japanese culture (3) cities without wall

(3) Japanese cities without having castle wall

exceptionally peaceful country.

Jomon era which last from 20,000 to 3000 years ago, people were supposed to enjoy one of the highest quality lives in the world at that time. They were able to produce the oldest and the most advanced quality soil vessels.

During it’s long history, Japan basically has been enjoying peaceful and orderly society except two civil war ages called Turbulent age (2-3cennturies) and Worrier age (15-16centuries). There are only few weapons excavated from Jomon ruins.

Most cities in Europe or China used to have walls surrounding cities, however cities in Japan didn’t. It tells clearly Japan has been exceptionally peaceful country.

Population in Europe or China went up and down frequently by a famine, epidemic or war. For example, when pest prevailed all over Europe, population there dropped sharply almost by half.

But Japan did not have such a sharp turbulence and it’s population has been considerably stable.

The towns and villages of autonomy

Tower of Edo castle was burnt down during the reign of 4th Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna, however it was never built since then. They did not need the tower anymore which had been the symbol of power and authority.

Having one million population, Edo city was one of the world largest cities at 17-18th century. The organization which reigned Edo city was composed of only 300 officers. Public peace and order deeply depended on city’s self-government. Most of Japanese modern cities originated from 500 years old towns and villages which were strongly minded to defend their own towns and villages by themselves.

Foreigners often point out that Japanese tend to take it for granted to have free clean water and safety. Actually our ancestors made utmost efforts to keep woods green, to keep water clean, to develop safe society. And they left such wonderful achievements to their descendants.

Firemen in Edo ( bousaihaku.com)