Jomon Civilization, world oldest civilization? (1)

) It is still not clear when people began to live in the Japanese archipelago, where they came from, which races they were. However there are many ruins of Old Stone Age and the oldest one among them is around 120,000 years old. Therefore, at latest, people had begun to live in the archipelago from that time.

Several races presumably reached to the Japanese archipelago from north and south with different ways of living, culture and language . However the Japanese archipelago had been completely separated from the Eurasia continent after the last glacial period. Therefore it is possible several races inside the archipelago were mixed up and harmonized during the long isolation, then mixed races developed their own Jomon civilization.

Jomon period, which is considered as New Stone Age, presumably began around 15000 years ago and last until around 3000 years ago.


Almost all of 6 million years of human history belongs to Old Stone Age. New Stone Age began only around 15000 years ago.

New evolutions which characterized New Stone Age are full scale agriculture, the invention of letters and the development of metal tools.

Jomon had none of those new evolutions and the level of civilization of Jomon period has been considered much lower than other New Stone Age civilizations.

However many old and quality earthen vessels were excavated in the Japanese archipelago and the oldest vessel was scientifically proven as old as 16500 years, by far the oldest in the world.

And also world oldest japan ware which was as old as 9000 years was excavated. There are many other indications which tell they must have developed one of the most advanced civilizations in the world at that time.

jomon vessle an earthen vessel